The Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Specialist will provide technical support to the programme team and partners in mainstreaming GESI in the GOJUST II programme. Kindly read the Terms of Reference attached to know more about the role. 


Location Manila, Philippines
Duration June 2024 - June 2025
Closing date Wednesday 22 May 2024

Role overview

The European Union-funded Justice Sector Reform Programme: Governance in Justice (GOJUST II) has been designed to give due consideration to issues of gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), conflict sensitivity, human rights, as well as environmental management.

Building on the recommendation of a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Assessment Study conducted under GOJUST I and a further GESI study that was conducted during the inception phase of GOJUST II, this mission aims to ensure that GESI is mainstreamed in the GOJUST II Programme.

General Objective

The Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Specialist will provide technical support to the programme team and partners in mainstreaming GESI in the GOJUST II programme.

Specific Objectives

  1. Integrate GESI in the indicative log frame to ensure that the programme reflects GESI results.
  2. Integrate GESI in projects and activities from project identification until monitoring and evaluation.
  3. Integrate GESI in programme communications and visibility.
  4. Capacitate programme teams and partners in mainstreaming GESI in the programme.

Requested services, including suggested methodology

1. GESI strategy and operational plans

  • Ensure coherent understanding of mainstreaming GESI in the programme, using the GESI Framework as a launch pad.
  • To continuously monitor the status of integration of GESI in the project development cycle of the different result areas, in the programme communications and visibility, capacity development, and in the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Framework, in consultation with the programme team.
  • Lead on developing the GESI Action Plan completion report to be annexed to the GOJUST II Programme Completion Report, which will include (a) a preliminary GESI analysis of the disaggregated data collected by partner agencies during the programme period; (b) analysis of the empowerment outcomes at output and outcome levels resulting from the GESI Action Plan programme interventions; and (c) recommendations for future actions.
  • Participate in regular programme meetings to ensure GESI considerations are addressed during implementation and recommend policy and programmatic actions to improve GESI mainstreaming in the programme.
  • Conceptualise and organise at least one annual gender-related activity.

2. Capacity development and technical support

  • Provide specific and contextual technical assistance and capacity development support to the programme teams to support the integration of GESI in the different results areas, including extending such support to partners, whenever necessary. This may also entail creating a pool of GESI experts that could support such specific and contextual capacity development needs.

3. Reporting

  • Support the MEL Lead in monitoring and reporting the implementation of the programme, through monitoring GESI indicators and results, as well as emerging GESI issues and challenges that may affect the achievement of programme results; harvest lessons learned and good practices arising from programme implementation towards knowledge sharing, communications, and visibility.
  • Produce an annual assessment report detailing the programme’s annual progress on GESI-related issues and indicators, for submission by the final quarter of calendar years 2024 and 2025. These should provide recommendations on how GESI in the programme can be further improved, with the aim to provide input to the annual work plan that will be designed and approved at the end of the calendar year.

4. Relationship management

  • Lead on collation and documentation of results, achievements, and lessons and, in conjunction with relevant colleagues, support the reporting and dissemination of outputs, outcomes, and impacts of GOJUST II interventions, with due consideration for diverse audiences.
  • Build and maintain relationships with stakeholders and partners, which enhance programme delivery, ensuring the programme acts on feedback from the client, target groups, and partners.
  • Build and maintain productive relationships with the GESI Specialists of other relevant programmes, particularly the European Union Delegation and justice programmes.
  • Provide timely information about the results of GOJUST II to British Council colleagues who have responsibility for reporting on all British Council activity.

Qualifications and experience required

1. Qualifications

  • Advanced university degree preferably in law, gender studies, gender and development, public administration, development studies or a combination of these disciplines
  • Proven ability to analyse the content of development programmes as they relate to gender inclusive results.

2. General Professional Experience

  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant professional experience, five of which must be in developing countries, in the area of law and development, gender programming, gender studies, and the like.
  • Proven experience in providing expert advice to various government agencies in the areas of law, gender inclusion, gender-responsive justice sector frameworks, and others.

3. Specific Professional Experience

  • Proven knowledge and experience in the analysis of access to justice, human rights, and rule of law programming for gender fair content and enhancing women’s access to justice.
  • Proven experience in designing and implementing capacity building curricula for government actors and other stakeholders on gender, justice and/or human rights.
  • Proven experience in analysing, monitoring and/or evaluating gender projects.
  • Strong preference will be given to candidates with prior experience working in the Philippines.


How to apply

Send the following to by 22 May 2024, 11:59 PM Manila time.

  1. Cover letter
  2. CV
  3. Three character references
  4. Pricing Approach (please use the attached template)