
Green Chameleon, Unsplash

About the Programme

The Government of the Republic of the Philippines with the support of the European Union is implementing the Justice Sector Reform Programme: Governance in Justice II (GOJUST II). GOJUST II is funded by the European Union to the value of EUR 19 million and implemented by the British Council and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). GOJUST II builds on and continues the work of the predecessor programme, GOJUST, which was implemented from April 2016 to September 2020. GOJUST II is implemented in joint co-financing with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (EUR 1 million). 

The overall objective of GOJUST is to contribute to inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development through improved access to justice for all in the Philippines. Specifically, it aims to develop more responsive and accountable justice services. It includes two components focusing on justice and human rights, respectively. The programme is being implemented from December 2020 to June 2025.

Background of the Assignment

Legal writing, e.g., drafting of resolutions, criminal information, court pleadings, motions, and other legal correspondences, is at the core of prosecutorial work. At present, the National Prosecution Service (NPS) does not have a single style manual that prosecutors nationwide follow. Thus, writing styles vary on a per prosecutor basis and may also change depending on who reviews their pleadings and legal documents.

In addition to the need to adhere to the highest standards in terms of compliance with mandatory legal requirements in terms of the legal content of pleadings and other legal documents, the NPS also needs to ensure that the writing style of prosecutors nationwide are clear, consistent, and uniform. As Marshall Macluhan said, “the medium is the message.” Thus, the vehicle or the legal form is just as important as the content of any pleading.

This mission will support the drafting of the Style Manual for the NPS. The manual is intended to help prosecutors nationwide in drafting pleadings and legal documents that are clear, concise, uniform, and persuasive.

Role overview

To support the drafting of a Style Manual for the NPS that will be a uniform reference for prosecutors nationwide on legal writing and style in the drafting of resolutions, information, pleadings, and other legal documents.

Specifically, the non-key expert is expected to achieve the following objectives:

  • Identify best practices in legal writing among prosecutors
  • Draft a Style Manual for the NPS considering best practices of prosecutors
  • Facilitate a consensus among key stakeholders on the Draft Style Manual for the NPS

Contract duration

Estimated start date is 10 March 2023. The main mission period is six months from 10 March 2023 to 10 August 2023. The latest date for completion of the final Mission Report and annexes is to be completed not later than October 2023.

How to apply

Applications for this request for proposal should be submitted to Lalaine Alfaro (lalaine.alfaro@britishcouncil.org) by 10 March 2023, 11:59 p.m. (Manila time).

For the complete list of required qualifications and skills, and general and specific professional experience, please download the attached terms of reference (ToR) below.

For questions and concerns, the main contact person for this mission shall be the following: 

The complete Terms of Reference is available for download below.