A two-day practical workshop delivered in partnership with Nesta and Hivos, our Creative Innovators Fellows learned how they can lead their creative communities in an inclusive and valuable way.

As part of the Creative Innovators Programme, the practical workshop Creative Hubs: Learn 101 was held over the course of two-days (12–13 October 2018) at the Department of Trade and Industry’s Export Marketing Bureau in Makati, where our Fellows explored key issues hub managers face in the Philippines when adapting and growing their communities and hub spaces. Joined by our partners from the Design Center and the Philippine Trade Training Center, they explored how leaders and their teams can practically support their communities and communicate the value of what they do, all whilst staying on top of their internal operations.

With strong networks being central to the success of creative hubs, the workshop sought to strengthen collaborations among the Creative Innovators Fellows and our partners, with opportunities to connect remotely through co-creation sessions and webinars held online with Nesta facilitators and the Fellows.

The workshop was led by Catherine Docherty, an accredited trainer and creative entrepreneur. She has worked in design and innovation for over 20 years in the UK, and is Founder and Managing Director of Journey Associates, an agency that helps organisations improve their economic and social impact through a participatory, design-led approach.

Joining forces, the British Council, Nesta and Hivos have developed this flexible, co-creating learning framework specific to the needs of creatives hubs and with the space to adapt to the needs of localised regions. The workshop was built on design-led foundations and promotes a learn-by-doing approach in a collaborative learning environment. Learn more about the workshop’s overall programme and modules below, as well as additional information and resources from Nesta.

To join our journey, follow our hashtags: #CreativeInnovatorsPH and #CreativesPH2019.

For more photos from Hubs 101, please check out our Flickr album.

“It’s a very informative workshop and helpful in applying to our hubs. I love that it’s so open!” – Regil Cadavos, Community Engagement Lead, ASPACE Cebu City

Creative Hubs – Learn 101 programme and modules

The programme has several levels:

1. Skills and capacity building: tools, resources and learning experiences to support the growth of creative hubs and their communities, developed in partnership with hub leaders from around the world, and responding to different stages of hub growth.

2. Building networks, sharing and amplifying: sharing best practices across a growing global community, embedding tools and resources with local hub champions and creating stronger conditions for policy changes to occur in support of creative hubs.

3. Mapping and codifying: What competencies, skills and attributes are needed to run sustainable impactful creative hubs? This question will underpin the capacity building content we create this year and form a competency framework from which hub leaders and their teams can self-navigate and continue to build the global picture of this growing movement.

The modules include:

  • communicating the value of your hub
  • managing a community
  • sustaining and adapting your business model
  • content curation and reaching larger audiences
  • diversity and inclusion
  • planning for impact.

Nesta information and resources

Nesta’s Creative Enterprise Programme is a workshop that brings the Creative Enterprise Toolkit to life. Up to 25 creative and social entrepreneurs come together for two to three intense days to work on their start-up microbusinesses and enterprises. Check out Nesta’s video about recent workshops held in Egypt, Uganda, Ukraine and the Philippines.

For nearly ten years, Nesta has partnered with the British Council to support creative and social entrepreneurs around the world in establishing and growing their businesses.

Find out when the Creative Enterprise Programme is in your region.