Fostering societal impact through social innovation and entrepreneurship across boundaries
Friday 17 July 2020 -
16:30 to 17:30

The increasing complexity of the challenges that societies are facing today demand collaborative approaches and solutions. The advent of Covid-19 has shown us that the challenges we face today have no borders and the best chance we have of responding to them is by coming together through innovative partnerships. We need to bring together strengths and capabilities from a wide range of actors representing all aspects of society from all parts of the world.

As higher education institutions play a critical role in connecting new knowledge and ideas with the social innovators and entrepreneurs for practical solutions, it is a critical time to raise awareness of the vital purpose of higher education partnerships in supporting the UK’s and East Asia’s plans for economic and social recovery and stability. Let us engage in discourse that would support and create an enabling environment for UK-East Asia* higher education partnerships to take root and flourish. 

  • What will UK-East Asia* higher education partnerships look like as the sector emerges from this pandemic?
  • What will be the key drivers of government and institutional policies for higher education partnerships and internationalisation moving forward?
  • How can the current challenges present opportunities for the higher education sector to recover and reimagine collaborations?

Our panellists 

  • Prof Richard Hazenberg, Professor of Social Innovation, Institute for Social Innovation and Impact, Directorate of Research, Impact and Enterprise, University of Northampton, UK
  • A/Prof Dr Truong Thi Nam Thang, Director, Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, National Economics University, Vietnam
  • Prof Hyunsang Shin, Professor, Business and social Innovation, Hanyang University, South Korea
  • Suzanne Ling, Co-founder, PichaEats, Malaysia
  • Thailand Government representative (TBC)


About the Higher Education Partnerships Webinar Series  

The Higher Education Partnerships Webinar Series forms part of our Education Future initiative. It is a series of in-depth discussions on key topics of global implications for the international education industry. We aim to support the UK and East Asia’s strategic action planning and decision making, allowing the education sectors to better anticipate challenges, manage risks and respond to opportunities. 

*Areas covered include: Australia, Brunei, Burma, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam



See also