branded brochures and flyers

As we update our branded materials, we are looking to work with two (2) suppliers that can deliver timely, cost- efficient and high-quality offset, digital and large format print products.

Please refer to the following procurement process:



Date / time

RFP Issued to bidding suppliers

Wed, 01 July

Deadline for clarification questions (Clarification Deadline). 17.00 local time

Wed, 08 July

British Council to respond to clarification questions

Wed, 08 July

Deadline for submission of Proposals by potential suppliers (Response Deadline). 17.00 local time

Wed, 15 July

Final Decision

Mon, 20 July

Initial Order and Sample of ID

Mon, 20 July

Sample ID Submitted


Contract concluded with (2) winning suppliers

Fri, 24 July

Contract start date

Fri, 24 July

branded ecobag, tarpaulin and giveaways

Deadline for submission of RFP responses by potential suppliers (Response Deadline), 17.00 Philippine Time – Wed, 15 July.