Courses for practicing teachers of English, including courses looking at specific areas of English language teaching practice.
In-service teachers

- The Certificate in Primary English Language Teaching is a course for teachers of English working in primary schools.
- The course covers the theory and practice of primary English teaching, including learning through play, developing the skills, introducing the written word, dealing with different kinds of learners and learner needs, and assessment.
- Participants successfully completing the course, including assessed tasks, will receive a British Council certificate.
- The Certificate in Secondary English Language Teaching is a course for practising secondary teachers of English.
- Participants complete 20 three-hour modules from a choice of topics to complete and receive the certificate.
- Topics include classroom management, planning, special needs, teaching language skills, and special interests such as literature and drama.
Classroom Language
- A practical development course for teachers of English who want to develop their use of English in the classroom.
- Ten workshops taking 30 hours in all.
- The workshops help teachers focus on their own practice in the classroom and explore how they can use English as the language of their classrooms.
English for Teaching
- An English course for teachers of English that combines language development and pedagogy.
- The first course takes teachers from A2 to B1 level and consists of 18 modules, each of seven hours duration.
- Taken as a combination of workshops and an online course.
"Programme evaluation indicates that teachers are very comfortable using EFT as they perceive it to be directly relevant to their classroom needs. The evaluation also indicates that teachers are able to transfer and apply the strategies and techniques to the English language instruction they provide their learners. Teachers have become more reflective practitioners, questioning the efficacy of their practice, and deploying strategies and techniques that they have encountered in the training room and in the training materials to enhance the effectiveness of their own instructional practices."
- Dr Ranjit Singh Gill, Director English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC), Ministry of Education Malaysia
In-Service Teacher Development
- A series of ten individual 90-minute workshops.
- Topics covered are process writing, learners, reflective practice and grammar.
- Suitable for teachers of English who want to familiarise themselves with some key areas of current ELT practice.
Teaching Speaking
Available as a study book and DVD for workshops or for self-study.
Nine short video programmes with teachers talking about and demonstrating aspects of teaching speaking, including:
- rapport
- pronunciation
- techniques and activities
- monitoring
- feedback
- fluency